A short boat ride to Shell Island at the end of the Crystal River and the Gulf of Mexico!
Look to the ground and you understand the name!
(All pics made with an iPhone 4S)
(Click to enlarge, then, depending on your browser, click again to enlarge further!)
Up the River
Hello,I was trying to find out if you might know if there is camping allowed on shell island?I have been told it is privatly owned,But i have known of people camping in the past.I can not get a answer from anyone.Thank you
Hello Georgia,
I have no information that Shell Island is privately owned (same to the smaller Island on the other side of the river).
And you’re right, there are tents up several times a year, although I have no clue if they stay over night.
I’ll try to find out more, I think USFWS of FWC could be a resource.
We love Shell Island and now we are retired we can go and stay wehenver we wish, We use the web cam nearly every day to check the site as to where is really busy, it is far better to be able to see it than just to be told there are so many pitches left as some are just not suitable for us, however the web cam has been down now for weeks they say they can refresh it if you ring but 9 out of 10 times this does not work!! Many people tell me the same thing too!! It must be costing them a lot of income! as at least 20 people we know do the same as us but have not been as they can not longer see what is available, 40% free this week it is not the norm is it? Please come on Shell Island get that web cam back up so we can check for ourselves and get in the car and come over for a few days a350.00p in diesel there and back is far to expensive just to get there and then find out that the available pitches are impossible to use. PLEASE PLEASE GET THE WEB CAM RUNNING AGAIN!!! You should be full this week, and as you are not we can come. if we can just see where the empty pitches are to camp, Take care to all the campers out there and keep safe.
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good information. thanks for posting.
Riio, I’m not sure if we are on the same page here ? There was no webcam on Shell Island, there is no electrical power at all ! The “nearest” webcam that at least allows you to see the weather is my office cam at http://www.mrbarth.com/webcam !
nice blog
great site. keep it up.
This is a great post, thanks!
great stuff mate
yeah. it is a wonderful website. this is very nice one and gives in depth information. i think it will be helpful.
That is truly a beautiful shell! I love your shot of it. Beautiful soft light. I just had to click on your tmnabuhil to see what it actually was. It made me so curious.Erika B
Your entire blog post, “Shell Island at the end of the Crystal River in Citrus County | Living and Loving Citrus
County, Florida” ended up being definitely worth writing a comment on!
Just simply needed to point out you truly did a great work.
Many thanks -Candace