Flood Preparations: What Realtors and Homeowners Need to Know
\nBy Kerry Smith
\nFEMA prepared a list of flood preparation tools \u2013 webpages, fact sheets, infographics and publications \u2013 with input from NAR. The \u201cReal Estate Professional\u2019s Guide to Discussing Flood Insurance\u201d covers almost everything Realtors should understand.
\nWASHINGTON \u2013 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) worked with the National Association of Realtors\u00ae (NAR) to create a single-source guide for Realtors who need to understand flood insurance \u2013 everything from buying it the first time to making a claim after a disaster.<\/p>\n
The following list of links contains multiple resources agents and lenders can use, including webpages, fact sheets, infographics and publications. The materials can be used to promote flood insurance to the public, and resources can help agents explain the financial requirements and benefits flood insurance offers to buyers and homeowners.<\/p>\n
A Real Estate Professional\u2019s Guide to Discussing Flood Insurance<\/p>\n
FEMA Flood Preparedness Resources for Real Estate Professionals<\/a> NFIP Door Hanger<\/a> The Cost of Flooding Tool<\/a> Be Prepared for a Flood<\/a> Flood Social Media Toolkit<\/a> Emergency Financial First Aid Kit<\/a> Insurance Moonshot Starter Kit<\/a> Why Buy Flood Insurance<\/a> How to Buy Flood Insurance<\/a> Preferred Risk Policy<\/a> How Can I Pay Less for My Flood Insurance<\/a> Before and After a Flood<\/a>
\nCustomers have questions, and this resource provides a broad overview of the U.S. flood insurance program.<\/p>\n
\nPrintable and customizable versions can promote flood insurance.<\/p>\n
\nThis interactive tool can help owners or buyers visualize the risk of a home flooding, even if that flood is only a few inches deep.<\/p>\n
\nThis brochure outlines the steps homeowners should take if a flooding event appears imminent, as well as during and after a flood.<\/p>\n
\nA webpage resource that include a vast amount of tools and links that can be shared on social media. It covers a wide range of topics, from flood planning to recovery after an event.<\/p>\n
\nImportant papers can be lost in a flood. This overview, offered in six languages, helps homeowners focus on important household information \u2013 identification, financial and legal documents, medical information, contacts, etc. \u2013 that should be in order before a disaster occurs.<\/p>\n
\nHow do you create a local program that promotes flood insurance? This kit contains key messages and communication templates that can be used to promote the value of flood insurance in disaster recovery.<\/p>\n
\nMany people balk at buying flood insurance. This webpage (NFIP consumer site) explains its importance and answers many commonly asked questions.<\/p>\n
\nGenerally, insurer agents offer federal flood insurance policies, a process detailed here along with help finding an insurance provider.<\/p>\n
\nThe owners of a home located in an area deemed low risk by FEMA pay less. This page offers more information about one of these preferred risk policies.<\/p>\n
\nInformation here can help homeowners reduce the cost of their flood insurance cost by choosing things such as a higher deductible.<\/p>\n
\nThis is the nuts-and-bolts of dealing with a flood disaster \u2013 how to start a flood insurance claim, and what to do before and after a flood.<\/p>\n